breaking news: Tales of the cryptids

This book was published in 2006 by Darby Creek and folded over to Lerner Publishing a short time later.
Lerner let me know the hardcover was going out of print, but a new paperback would be available in January of 2025.
I could not be more pleased. Lerner let me buy the last 50 copies of the hardback, so it you need one, let me know.
The paperback is much cheaper, so I hope more kids can buy it!
Lerner let me know the hardcover was going out of print, but a new paperback would be available in January of 2025.
I could not be more pleased. Lerner let me buy the last 50 copies of the hardback, so it you need one, let me know.
The paperback is much cheaper, so I hope more kids can buy it!
Thanks so much, Seattle's King5 News!
Thank you, Spokesman Review!
september 17, 2024! Happy book birthday!
Would you like to book a school visit or other event with me, live or vitual? Email me at [email protected] and we'll make it happen. Flexible pricing available! Just tell me what you can afford and I'll do my best.
Upcoming Events
March 4 or 5 , 2025
Green Acres Elementary Read Across America
Spokane, Valley, WA
All Day
March 8, 2025
Lilac City Children's Book Festival/Writing Conference
Shadle Park Library
Writing Nonfiction for Children
Spokane, WA
2:00 pm to 3:00 PM
May 13, 14 and 15, 2025
GVBoces School Visits
Rochester, NY
All Day for three days
June 4, 2025
Streamable Learning Zoom Event
"A Dinosaur for Washington"
8:10 am to 8:50 am
Upcoming Events
March 4 or 5 , 2025
Green Acres Elementary Read Across America
Spokane, Valley, WA
All Day
March 8, 2025
Lilac City Children's Book Festival/Writing Conference
Shadle Park Library
Writing Nonfiction for Children
Spokane, WA
2:00 pm to 3:00 PM
May 13, 14 and 15, 2025
GVBoces School Visits
Rochester, NY
All Day for three days
June 4, 2025
Streamable Learning Zoom Event
"A Dinosaur for Washington"
8:10 am to 8:50 am
Jefferson Elementary's STEM Night in January 2025
Ness came along to sell books for Auntie's Bookstore. And we gave away stickers, postcards and tiny Bigfoot toys. Fun!
Jefferson Elementary on November 5, 2024 was Great!
Wondering what I've done for streamable learning?
Click on this link for a list of recorded virtual presentations! And watch for more! I have four newly scheduled.
This is my virtual visit room! don't you love my wall of oddities.
Even before Covid-19, I was doing Virtual Visits for schools, libraries and festivals whenever a host couldn't afford travel and hotel expenses. After Covid-19, a lot of my traditional author visits were converted to Virtual Visits. I have a special studio, the right webcam and microphone equipment and more than 15 different presentation topics to choose from. And almost everyone can afford one -- or two or three or four.
Want to know more? Click this VIRTUAL VISITS LINK for the details! We can help each other and the kids we love!
Want to know more? Click this VIRTUAL VISITS LINK for the details! We can help each other and the kids we love!
This is my Virtual Visit backdrop. How could we NOT have a great time exploring the Wonders of Weird ONLINE?
Natalya sent me a letter and a drawing! I love them both.
A cool cryptid lover! may 2024
I love these shirts so, so much!
Love that so many of my Seattle friends came to the Redmond book launch for Cryptid Creatures! Thank you so much!
Kids often ask me, "What would you do if you met Sasquatch?"
The video above is exactly what I'd do. I hope it happens someday!
ghostly evidence...literally!
When I wrote GHOSTLY EVIDENCE, I did a lot of research in haunted places including the haunted house in the video above. See if you hear the voice of a very young ghost in this recording. And let me know what you think!

WANT A STICKER? Illustrator Rick Spears created this fun sticker design for me. If you want one, email me at [email protected] and I'll mail you one. It's my way of saying THANK YOU for considering my books and my school visits. I think they are GREAT. I hope you like them, too!
my heavenly pets!
a fun challenge, if brief!

In January of 2023, I took on the job of editing this beautiful magazine. The job only lasted six months--four issues--but it was a joy. For a look as a few of my articles--and a few by local friends, click HERE.
I will never stop writing for kids as long as I have air to breath. My next book is A DINOSAUR FOR WASHINGTON: THE TRUE STORY OF SUCIASAURUS, coming in the fall of 2024.
After that, it will be a sequel to CRYPTID CREATURES: A FIELD GUIDE called SEA MONSTERS: A FIELD GUIDE. CRYPTID BABIES will be released with SEA MONSTERS in the fall of 2025.
Rick Spears is illustrating all three books, and I can't wait.